Monday, March 26, 2012

Voices of Hunger (A Sonnet)

This, is actually the first Sonnet I have written since I was, I dunno...sixteen? Anyway, composing sonnets are fun, and so I attempted a version that I had not dabbled with before. This, would be the Italian sonnet. It has a ABBA, ABBA, CDE, CDE rhyme scheme. Anyway... I did not write in in true pentameter, I believe, but seriously - who uses that anymore? Anyhow... without further ado, I present Voices of Hunger. I drew this from history~

Voices of Hunger

Was it a question? They only cried,
when bread rotted and helplessness arose.
Or was it uttered when their voices froze,
with the soft lament, "Had God ever tried?"

When would the unrelenting pain subside?
Staring blankly at the circling of crows,
while caskets are piled into lengthy rows.
Would you watch as children's prayers all died?

A war waged for hungry bellies to feed,
bodies burned with no mountains laid of grain..
Famine emblazoned a relentless brood.

Powerless, with people begging in need,
watching each expire with guilty pain...
survivors left to die in search of food.

1 comment:

  1. :{ And here I'm left thinking of the Plague, the Black Plague, Marburg, that one disease that gets in people's skin and is contagious, the Irish Potato Famine, and the medival times. Children's hopes? Yeah, a pocket full of posies and all that good stuff. Zombies, aka people entering comas and being burried alive. It really shows some nasty stuff in history. :(

