Monday, March 26, 2012

Promising Clouds

So, finally, I am up to posting some new writing... This is one of my free verse poems... I thoroughly enjoyed writing it..and I liked it.

And yes, I was watching the skies as I did.

Promising Clouds

Promising clouds,
a distorted dream-
was no more reality,
than fiction.

My mind lies awake,
alight in abysmal thoughts..
hoping for Sun rays,
to fill my sleepless conscious.

The sky's eyes shine,
like mirrors into the soul,
of generations long passed,
flown back into the arms of the world.

And was it the spotted grey
of the inky night firmament,
that forced my thought to flutter..
away into the starry twilight.

Even the roaring waters,
brought peace to my soul,
flowing with the escapist's view
of free thought to the shackled.

Breaking out of a concrete mire,
to swim among the nestling breeze.
Solace was laying my eyes shut-
to dream of promises made to clouds.

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