Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Pariah

Yes, I wrote a new thingy ma jig. I hope someone enjoys it or not, who knows~

The Pariah

Spare me your partisanism.
Your sectarian egocentricities,
are insignificant cries of martyrdom.
Understanding is a truth you hope to hide,
kissing self worth with blind faith.

Like red ribbons,
your tears are shreds of duplicity.
Your path is crossed with scapegoats,
the lambs you lead to slaughter.
Is faith the satire you hope to masquerade?

Awash in the glow of sacrifice,
a self preservation shielded by shrouds
forged in the blood of pilgrims.
Where are the chains that were meant to bind you?
They are shackled by victims of trust.

Asking for forgiveness is the final betrayal.
Do you believe God will forgive holocaust?
All of the tears fall to the salted seas,
the final resting places of conviction.
Is redemption truly a lie?

You decried your creed,
stepping upon the bones of certitude
as the fade into irony.
All of the glimmering stars,
fell like the ones you lead into sunset.

You may abhor adjudication,
but is it fearing the same judgment you passed
upon those bowed in prayer to difference?
Lies are merely hidden truths,
and even the blind will one day see.

Idealism is the cover story,
utopia is easy to believe in
when death is the release to paradise.
How many machinations must you scheme,
before you pass your own sentence?

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