Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Mortal Coil

So death has intrigued me of late.. so I have been pondering about it. As always, enjoy or don't. My motives for this one are unclear to even me. It's a little short... but...hey

The Mortal Coil

Lay me down in the softest linens.
Place two coppers upon my eyes.
Rest my weary bones
beside a crackling fire.
So my mind might think last of the light,
before night saps my very breath.

The ghosts of loss creep slowly
from my coveted resting place-
bringing sleep to a mind too tired to slumber
and a soul too tired for rest.

Lay my ship into the cold, dark waters.
And burn my funeral pyres,
to light the flames into eternity.
The smoke of death: it's too black to see,
to dense to breathe.

The dance of the macabre
had finally began in the sunset of life.
The dreaded rest had begun at last,
my eyes to flutter to sleep eternal.

And the hooded rider brought silence upon his back,
hushing the land in quiet mourning..
Dusk became its messenger,
and with it a muffled blanket descended sleep-
The fading of the light.

1 comment:

  1. It reminds me of a viking funeral.

